Sunday, November 30, 2014

10mm Napoleonic Russians

Hello, today I am posting some pics of a 10mm Old Glory Russian army that I had painted on commission.  I very happy with how these turned out.  They are very well detailed for such small figures.  Each battalion is comprised of three stands of two strips of five figures each for the infantry and 4 stands of 4 figures for each cavalry regiment.

First up, the infantry.

Folled up by the cavalry.

And finally a lot of artillery to back them up.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Warhammer Goblins

I've been working on an all goblin army for Warhammer for a few years now.  I'm almost done with this batch now.  Just a few bits to paint here 'n' there and yes, I've not yet put the heads on.  I left them off so that I can paint the details more easily.  So for now, they look a little like an army of thumbs thumbs.




A quick post

A quick post of a 25mm figure from the Old Glory 2nd Edition line.  I painted this one up some time ago but never got 'round to posting it.  I think it turned out pretty well especially since I painted it at work on my lunch hour with almost no light.    Again, my photography skills need some refinement.  The lighting is not right.  The Green is actually much darker in reallity.  For the base, I used the container they sell dice in with pumice gel, rocks & grass tufts.